Miguel Robles-Durán and Gabriela Rendón, both co-founders of Cohabitation Strategies, will be part of the Creative Alternatives to Capitalism Conference. The event is sponsored by The Center for Place, Culture and Politics, Office of Public Programs, and Advanced Research Collective, Graduate Center, CUNY; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Office of Continuing Education on Public Programs, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art; and National Strategy Center for the Right to Territory (CENEDET), Ecuador.

May 23 2014, Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue NY, NY 10016.

May 24 2014, Rose Auditorium, Cooper Union, 41 Cooper Square NY, NY 10003.

Much store is now put upon the idea that capitalism can recover its elan and exit the grumbling crisis that now besets it through the construction of a cognitive, creative and ethical capitalism that rests on the activities of so-called creative classes.  We dispute this thesis and aim to show how an alternative to capitalism is not only possible but necessary if  a better, more democratic and more socially just future is to be procured for all.  To this end, we bring together creative thinkers and practitioners from around the world who are exploring alternatives outside the imprisoning box of conventional capitalist thinking.  An anti-capitalist alternative is already in the making. Our aim is to mark and celebrate its creative possibilities.

The conference will be made up of two days of panels and break-out sessions in which presenters and participants from New York to Lagos to Quito will engage questions concerning alternatives ranging from the self-organization of work to solidarity economies, from communing, to urban unions. For more information about the program and panelists, click here.

THIS EVENT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. THERE IS NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY. Both venues have a capacity of 200. Entrance is on a first come, first serve basis.