Tactical Workshop

Cohabitation Strategies invited a diverse group of people involved in art, architecture, urban planning, housing and community organizing in New York City to discuss a proposal for the exhibition Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities last Friday, April 25th. This was the second local workshop. The first one took place at MoMa PS1 last October 2013.

Miguel Robles-Durán, Charlas y Entrevistas durante el VII Foro Urbano Mundial.

Miguel Robles-Durán, co-fundador de Cohabitation Strategies, participó en numerosas sesiones en Medellin durante el VII Foro Urbano Mundial. Foro Social Urbano, Alternativo y Popular. Desde Abajo: La Otra Posición para Ver. Abril 6 2014, 10:30am. Panel Crisis Urbana: Ciudad, planificación urbana, los derechos en las ciudades y el derecho a la ciudad. Entrevista para el

Ciudades en Acción / Action Cities

Cohabitation Strategies en el VII Foro Urbano Mundial. Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín. Abril 8-10 de 2014. Ciudades en Acción. Procesos Locales para re-imaginar sociedades urbanas. Las historias que están detrás de la transformación de Medellín. Las historias que están detrás de la transformación de las ciudades. Martes 8 de abril Sector privado, Arte, y Ciudad. 4:00

Publication in progress of the Guelph-Wellington Rural-Urban Program

Illustration: Housing by Heidi Chisholm. The Guelph-Wellington Rural-Urban Program, an urban research project developed by Cohabitation Strategies for the Musagetes Foundation will be published soon. The publication is in progress. The research methodology included participatory methodologies to engage locals from various neighborhoods and backgrounds. Roundtable discussions, assemblies, driving group meetings, mapping workshops, and a bi-monthly free

Miguel Robles-Duran y David Harvey inaguran CENEDET en el Ecuador

En el contexto de la Constitución de Ecuador de 2008 y de los Planes Nacionales para el Buen Vivir, el IAEN (Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales) está adaptando sus líneas de formación curricular y de investigación avanzada conforme a las nuevas visiones del territorio y las ciudades del Ecuador. El Centro Nacional de Estrategia para el Derecho al

Anti-Displacement Strategy for Bushwick

Preliminary proposal, North Brooklyn Community Land Trust: A Long Term Anti-Displacement Strategy for Bushwick and Surrounding Districts. Drafted by Gabriela Rendon, co-founder of Cohabitation Strategies,  in collaboration with residents and  representatives of local grassroots groups part of the Rheingold Advisory Committee. Work in progress, it would be public soon! To see the document, click here. By

Community Coalition Mitigates the Impact of Rezoning

City Council approved the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) application from Read Property Group to rezone six  blocks in North West Bushwick this month. The rezoning development which includes residential, commercial and light manufacturing spaces in the site of the former Rheingold Brewery was already approved by Community Board 4, Brooklyn Borough President and the City

Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megaticies

The workshop phase of Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities launches with public presentations and a moderated discussion at MoMA PS1. The six interdisciplinary teams will give brief presentations of previous work and discuss their preliminary approaches to the Uneven Growthproject brief. The presentations will be followed by a discussion moderated by curator Pedro Gadanho, with respondents. Urban

Desarrollo sin Desplazamiento — Development without Displacement

TALLER ABIERTO A RESIDENTES. Organizado por el Programa de Postgrado en Diseño y Ecologias Urbanas, The New School, en collaboración con vecinos y organizaciones de Bushwick. Domingo 6 de Octubre, 2013 • 603 Bushwick Avenue • 10:00am ­­­- 5:00pm. Durante este taller miembros de la communidad, grupos locales, organizadores communitarios, estudiantes y profesores con experiencia en vivienda y ecologías urbanas

Urban Convergences – Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – Design and Urban Ecologies

Following hard-won liberation struggles against various forms of colonialism, India, Brazil, and South Africa have now emerged as power players on the global stage. While their governments are imbued with the history and rhetoric of past left movements, these countries’ major cities are spaces of contestation, pitting the need for universal housing, water and electricity